How they help

Middle Eastern Women and Society Organisation helps women and their families deal with the serious issues facing Middle Eastern refugee women in London.

Our support

Islington Council’s Community Chest | 1 year | December 2018 to December 2019 | £5,000 | towards the costs of the Rebuilding Lives projects, offering support and advice to women from the Middle East, North Africa, and South Asia. We spoke with MEWSo about the value of this support.

Read their story

Islington Giving | Young Catalyst | 1 year | September 2018 to September 2019 | £6,000 | To pay for items or experiences that can help young people look to their future and explore their potential.

We launched the Catalyst Programme in 2009, and now fund it alongside CloudesleyIslington Giving, and Sir John Cass’s Foundation.

Watch our short film about Catalyst

Further information

Read more about Middle Eastern Women and Society Organisation