How they help

Body and Soul work with people of all ages who have experienced childhood adversity, including those affected by family disruption, suicidal behaviour and HIV.

Our support

Islington Giving | 2 years | April 2018 to April 2020 | £48,760 | towards the costs of the You are Not Alone project for 13 to 27 year-olds at risk of self-harm or suicide.

Islington Giving | Young Catalyst | 2 year | June 2018 to July 2020 | £6,000 | A devolved Catalyst budget to help young people pay for things that bring joy or opportunity.

We launched the Catalyst Programme in 2009, and now fund it alongside CloudesleyIslington Giving, and Sir John Cass’s Foundation.

Watch our short film about Catalyst

Further information

Read more about Body & Soul